On Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 November Gitana visited the beautiful city of Budapest, the Pearl of the Danube, founded by the Romans as Aquincum and embellished by the Humanist and Italian-educated King Matthias Hunyadi and his wife Beatrice of Naples. A more or less peaceful fusion of several ethnic groups and cultures made of Budapest the symbol of a super-national Europe which existed long before the European Union and was called Mitteleuropa. A cultural environment unique to Budapest, Vienna and Trieste, a spiritual and intellectual climate that allowed for truly great achievements in the arts, especially literature, and the sciences, such as psychology.
And speaking of achievements, in a festively decorated Budapest, our Gitana was CAC CACIB and BOS at the 110th Jubilee Show of the Hungarian Kennel Club on Saturday. Unfortunately, Gitana went Res CAC on Sunday and missed the last CAC needed for the Hungarian title. But we certainly had a lovely weekend on the shores of the Danube, and enjoyed our time in an ever fascinating city.

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