It is with the greatest feeling of loss and deprivation that we had to say good bye to our beloved Czardas. He went, unexpected as he came, regal, noble and full of dignity as we always knew him, leaving an empty space in the house and in our hearts. Within two fatal days, after repeated and extensive examination, it was clear that nothing could save him. So he went, without a groan or moan, without a grudge or complaint, with his unique smile up to the very last, with those kisses he had for all of us within his little family of canines and humans, and that boyish look full of love and gratitude for all the good things he had shared with us.
A natural born hunter out in the field, a true male leader in charge of his pack, and at the same time, the most affectionate and dedicated of dogs ever, the most capable of unconditional love and devotion at home, he will be missed during the years to come.
For oblivion is a haze
That shall not alight
On the Tsar’s last chase
On His Highness' flight.
....the best thing i can tell you in your mourning, is that you and your family offered him just everything he needed and wanted...
despite i only saw him once in Ljubljana show, it was pleasure to meet living heritage of the old white and grey Poliankas, and together with Gitana they matched in their two-toned colours like 'Hey! You've got my taste, hairdresser and the same idea what's cool!'
i'm sorry for your loss.
The only thing I can say is that I'm sorry ...
Thank you both for your support, I'm sure you know how it feels...
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