The Katnu K Litter turned one year old on April 9th: Happy Birthday Kalos Peritas, Kidai, Karenina, Kendra, Kincsem and Karatai! Kincsem had some nice results in Croatia, well done Branka! The 'spotlight' this time though is on Karatai, aka Charlie at his loving, happy home on the hills of North Wales.
Charlie was so lucky as to be 'picked' by wonderful dog people who are also willing to take him out every now and then. These are some of his results:
1st puppy dog Northern Borzoi open show Oct 08
best puppy in show Northern Borzoi Limit show February 09
Best puppy in breed also 1st junior Hound Association open show March 09
best puppy dog and Best Junior Borzoi Club open show March 09
1st junior dog Humberside Hounds April 09
Thank you very much Maddie and Reg, and best of luck with all of your lovely, happy dogs!